(Red) remixed

Posted by Rob Walker on September 7, 2007
Posted Under: America,Anti,Backlashing,Products

Wendy Dembo writes:

Last year when the Gap came out with their (red) campaign, the first word that popped into my head, was insu(red)/uninsu(red). They did a few kind of ironic shirts like bo(red) and ti(red), but I wondered why they didn’t make an uninsu(red) shirt.

With insurance looking like it’s going to be the touch point for the 2008 Presidential election, I thought that making these shirts could hopefully get some uninsured kids to think about their need for health insurance, perhaps even the need for universal health care.

She got Jeff Staple to execute the shirts, which are on sale at the Reed Space in New York.

It’s interesting to see something in the brand underground realm using the visual remix strategy to address a political issue. It will also be interesting to see what sort of reaction it ends up getting.

Further diversion may be found at MKTG Tumblr, and the Consumed Facebook page.

Reader Comments

Could it be that they did not want to dilute their message against AIDS with other causes? Just maybe. Seriously, if you have your own pet issue, then maybe you should be a bit more inspi(red) and not steal someone else’s campaign (or visually remix it anyway).

Written By akatsuki on September 8th, 2007 @ 10:18 am