Linkpile (via Delicious)

Posted by Rob Walker on May 19, 2009
Posted Under: Non-Daily Linkpile
  • 40,000 Insipid Party Pics Reveal Cause Of Dorm Fire: Citizen journalism in action! Very funny Onion video.
  • The Benefits of Distraction and Overstimulation: I found this too boring to get past the first page. Maybe I’ll read it later.
  • Dopamine myth: Commonly linked to pleasure. Here’s why that’s not really right.
  • Message in What We Buy, but Nobody’s Listening: A theme of Buying In. But this article is about someone else’s book. “The grand edifice of brand-name consumerism rests on the narcissistic fantasy that everyone else cares about what we buy. (It’s no accident that narcissistic teenagers are the most brand-obsessed consumers.) But who else even notices? Can you remember what your partner or your best friend was wearing the day before yesterday? Or what kind of watch your boss has?”
  • Danger Mouse Releases a $50 Blank CD: “To skirt the legal situation with the record label, it only comes with a blank CD.” (And a poster and booklet.) Buyers are encouraged to find the music ‘by whatever means’ and fill the disc up themselves.” And it’s limited edition! Yes.
Further diversion may be found at MKTG Tumblr, and the Consumed Facebook page.

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